Join us for the FALL FESTIVAL and Barbeque. The day will be filled with Food, Vendors, Farmers Market, Games, Silent Auction, Raffles, Music, Face Painting for the kids, and so much more!
TIME: 12noon - 4pm (Barbeque served at 2pm Please note tickets for BBQ must be purchased in advance of event see link below for purchase)
LOCATION: South Schenectady Fire Department / Rotterdam Fire District 6, 6 Old Mariaville Road, Schenectady, NY 12306
Tickets Onsale NOW-
We are seeking Vendors! If you are interested in being a vendor at the Fall Festival or need more information on this event please contact us at
Dr. Lee Shapiro and Mary Rose Noonan presented
the first Sister Mary Rose Noonan award to Celeste Freeman, Michelle Morgan & Steve Rosenblum Samantha Sattler
The 4th annual fall fundraising event went virtual in light of the current pandemic and the need for social distancing. Friends of the foundation came together for a Zoom event on November 14, 2020. The evening of comedy and entertainment featured a hilarious standup routine called "Comedy, Clocks and Casseroles" by Carole Deyoe. Carole inspired and reminded us that laughter is truly the best medicine!
Bruce Cowan, Scleroderma Foundation Tri-State Chapter executive director, was honored as the 2020 Louis P. Renna Recognition Award for his outstanding efforts to advance education and research for scleroderma in order to help those struggling with this rare condition.
The event also included an online auction, trivia, a musical act, an update on the exciting medical research for scleroderma and Degos disease treatments, and lots of laughter and fun! Thank you to our generous sponsors—Holistic Wealth, Law Firm of Alex Dell, Knapek Gabriele & Bottini, Marra's Pharmacy and the Albany Financial Group—and to everyone who participated! We hope to be back in person next year! Stay tuned.
The 2019 Fall Dinner raised more than $17,000!
U.S. Congressman Paul Tonko was the guest of honor at the 2019 dinner for his advocacy on behalf of patients and support medical research funding.
Steffens Scleroderma Foundation board member Celeste Freeman, OTR/L, CHT received the 2019 Ernie J. DuPont Award for her unparalleled commitment to patients.
Join our mailing list to receive an invitation to the Fall Fundraising Event.
Questions? Email:
Steffens Scleroderma Foundation
P.O. Box 38037
Albany, NY 12203